Your search for Simona De Logu returned 14 results.
Interpreting at The Best FIFA Football Awards 2017
I recently had the great honor of interpreting on stage and backstage at The Best FIFA Football Awards 2017 at the London Palladium. It was a glamorous night with the crème de la crème of international football, hosted and presented by the British Hollywood actor and Arsenal supporter Idris Elba. This was undoubtedly an interpreter's dream job and I was lucky ...
On the Job
Here are a few photos on the job as an interpreter. From Luanda, Angola, and the UEFA Champions League final in Munich, Germany, to a muddy field in Somerset, UK, you never know where an interpreting assignment might take you. Have a look!
Simultaneous Interpreting from German to English for CNN International
Recently, I was interpreting from German to English for CNN International's Amanpour program, the broadcaster's flagship interview program for global affairs. On this occasion, Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour interviewed the German Commissioner for Immigration, Refugees and Integration Aydan Ozuguz about the European migrant and refugee ...
Doing Business in Brazil – It’s Going to Get Personal
If you’re planning to take the plunge and do business in Brazil, Latin America’s biggest economy and the world’s seventh largest, just remember it’s going to get personal. When you step off that plane, be prepared to have lunch, dinner and drinks, joking and pleasant conversations about the family, hobbies and football (of course) before anything resembl...
Getting From A To B – Not Everywhere As Simple As It Sounds
When you travel to different countries either for business or pleasure, getting from A to B can be rather more convoluted than you imagined. A short article I just read in The Economist reminded me of an amusing head-scratching experience I had earlier this year when I went to Panama on vacation. To my disbelief, a friend who lives in Panama City told me that ...
Mapping Countries’ Main Export
This colorful map shows the main export product for each country across the world. Some are obvious and well known, while others may be more surprising. Did you know that Brazil's main export is transport equipment or India's precious stones?
Child Labor Across The World
British global risks advisory firm Maplecroft recently released its 2014 index on child labor across the world. For anyone doing business internationally the risk of being associated with child labor is certainly one to be taken into consideration when seeking out business partners abroad, especially in emerging markets. Allegations that a business is benefiting ...
Doing business in Germany: Germans don’t do small talk
Doing business in Germany, which is Europe’s largest economy and the fourth largest economy in the world, is an appealing prospect, especially as Germany weathered the global financial crisis very well, with economic growth forecast around 2% for 2014 and unemployment currently around a low of 6.8%. But, as with international business in general, cultural ...
FREE 6-month digital subscriptions to the Wall Street Journal up for grabs
Start the New Year well informed with the Wall Street Journal. As I regularly edit news stories for Dow Jones Newswires and the Wall Street Journal, I have four FREE six-month digital subscriptions to the Wall Street Journal and one FREE six-month digital subscription to Barron's financial magazine to give away. Send me a message via the contact page of this ...
The impact of culture on international business
The recent Going Global event in London for businesses looking to expand internationally provided attendees with a wealth of country specific information, especially regarding Brazil, Russia, India and China, but many speakers also focused on the more general aspects of culture, etiquette and communication in international business. Communication problems are not ...